Mozilla Boosts Leadership Team With Connected Devices Appointment

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Today, we are pleased to announce that Ari Jaaksi will be joining the Mozilla leadership team next month as our new Senior Vice President of Connected Devices.

In this role, Ari will be responsible for Firefox OS and broader exploration of opportunities to advance our mission across the ever-increasing range of connection points of the modern Internet, i.e. phones, TVs, IoT, etc.

His deep understanding of Open Source projects and mobile leadership experience at Intel, HP, and Nokia developing platforms and products make him ideally positioned to lead our Firefox OS and Connected Devices strategy.

Firefox OS is an important part of our mobile strategy, in addition to Firefox for Android and iOS and other initiatives. We believe that building an open, independent alternative to proprietary, single-vendor platforms is critical to the future of a healthy mobile ecosystem. And it is core to our mission to promote openness, innovation and opportunity in online life.

We believe Mozilla's role in the world is more important today than it has ever been. Issues of digital rights, privacy, online safety and security are real and impact our lives daily. The pace and complexity of online life continues to accelerate from here.

Over the last year we've focused on building our our team to compliment the vibrant Mozillian community adding the necessary know-how to continue to bring choice, control and opportunity to everyone on the Web.

Please join me in welcoming Ari to Mozilla!

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