Firefox OS and Medic Mobile use the Web to Connect the World to Healthcare

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At Mozilla, we are dedicated to putting the power of the Web in people’s hands in support of our mission to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the Web. We’re pleased to announce today that we’re partnering with Medic Mobile, a leader in mHealth solutions for developing countries, to take that mission to the world’s most remote and underserved communities.

medic mobileMedic Mobile pioneered the use of feature phones and text messaging to connect remote communities to health care. Their technology tracks outbreaks, schedules maternal health visits, monitors medicine stock, and connects villages with hospitals. The organization works in 20 countries spanning Africa, Asia and Latin America, and supports Community Health Workers overseeing 5 million people.  Medic Mobile’s Hope Phones campaign, a cellphone recycling initiative, is one of many ways that the organization raises funds for new technology needed in the field.

Medic Mobile is the first community health app for Firefox OS and is now available in Firefox Marketplace. This early version allows health workers to document measles outbreaks from their phones, and more features will be added with future updates.

“We see harnessing the Web as our next big step, bringing location data, images, visualizations and analytics to the fingertips of Community Health Workers. Firefox OS is device-agnostic and provides a Web-based, low-cost platform for the developing world,” said Josh Nesbit, CEO of Medic Mobile.

“We look forward to expanding Medic Mobile’s reach through Firefox OS, and will continue pursuing regionalized and localized community apps like Medic Mobile that make the Web even more useful and relevant to people,” added Mary Ellen Muckerman, VP of Brand Strategy and Services at Mozilla.

We’re proud to partner with Medic Mobile, aligning our non-profit missions of using technology to change people’s lives.

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